I live in St. Davids, Pennsylvania about 25 minutes outside of Philadelphia and spend most of my summer on Long Beach Island, New Jersey. I was also lucky enough to marry someone born and raised on Cape Cod and have been going there for the past 26 years. My dream would be my PA house on a Long Beach Island dune with the town of Sandwich in walking distance.

2. What was your first experience with needlepoint. Who taught you to stitch?
My first experience with needlepoint was a small canvas my mother brought back to me from Bermuda when I was in middle school. It was all wool and probably 10 count but I loved it. I didn’t do a lot of it in college but picked it up again after my children were born. I saw a friend at a charity event selling needlepoint and asked where I could get some blank canvas to paint a gift for my mother. When she realized I could paint she hired and trained me to do the custom work for her and the rest is history! I started with the
custom work 18 years ago and transitioned to Anne Fisher Needlepoint, LLC almost 3 years ago. This September would have been my 3 rd Destination Dallas trade show.
3. What led you to start designing your own canvases? What is your process like?
I have always loved art and painting. My parents had me in art classes at a very young age and it was always where I felt most comfortable. After painting custom canvases for so many years I was encouraged by my local shop to branch out and paint my own designs. I write ideas down in a notebook but most of the time I go straight to canvas. It might take me a few tries to get the colors or composition the way I want but I find painting directly on the canvas works better for me.

My inspiration comes from everywhere – whether it’s certain color combinations I can’t get out of my head, the places I’ve been lucky enough to travel to and spend time in, looking at old fabric, the beach, anything blue and white.
5. Do you have a favorite canvas in your line?
I have really enjoyed painting backgammon boards recently. I have two new designs that will debut this fall and each captures a different side of my personality. One is very geometric and the second is very classic and elegant. I think I’m drawn to them because it’s a large canvas and allows for so much design. I am also really excited for my collaboration with Jean Mason. She is an incredible artist and her designs are bold, colorful and fun.