Large open spaces on needlepoint canvases allow you to play with more complex stitches and patterns.
In recent years the trend in needlepoint has been toward smaller projects. We get it - that instant gratification thing is hard to resist.
However, small designs have small stitch areas which makes it harder to build momentum with more fun and interesting stitches, like:
- Byzantine
- Woven Ribbons
- Alicia's Lace
- Staircase
- Oriental
All of these stitches and many more are described in this wonderful little book...
Large open spaces are also really good spots for darning and bargello patterns about which whole books have been written.
Another book we really like, here at, is Painted Canvas Embellishment: An Idea Book, by Carole H. Lake and Michael E. Boren. This book has several pages on "Large Areas" (and lots of other good ideas).
On a design like this Little Black Dresses canvas, you could add a different stitch to each dress - almost any stitch will work here so you could try ones you haven't found a spot for before.
These Morocco canvases by Raymond Crawford are already colorful and striking. Embellished with decorative stitches they can be made texturally beautiful as well.
There is plenty of room on these long animal canvases by Zecca (below) to apply darning patterns (let the shading come through) or stitches that need a lot of room to play out and come to life.
Canvases with bold stripes like these ones by Two Sisters are perfect for linear stitches.
Try open stitches and darning patterns for skies and backgrounds - they stitch up quickly and add interest to an otherwise one-dimensional area.
If you're new(ish) to needlepoint and want to try out decorative stitches, then canvases like these that have large spaces are excellent places to practice.
Tip: When using decorative stitches in large areas start your stitch pattern in the middle of the design area. This will center the design and make it look more natural.
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