Here at .Com, we’ve seen a lot of customers come through our doors and fielded a lot of phone calls over the years. Twenty years of needlepointing yields twenty thousand great stories and great personalities. We thought we’d put together some of our favorites – do you recognize yourself (or a friend) in this group?
Types of Needlepointers:
Addicted Stitcher: Needlepoint is a hobby, yes. That’s what we tell ourselves. But for those who really know, needlepoint is actually an addiction and for some of us, it can get a little out of control. Years ago, we had a woman call us. Speaking in hushed tones, she explained that she had recently come from an Intervention – well, her own Intervention. Her family had sat her down to ask that she stop giving them needlepoint. There was no more room in anyone’s house! No nook to be spared! No couch to be adorned! No grandchild to be granted a stocking! So what was she to do? She was, she explained in very careful terms, continuing to stitch at her current rate – but placing everything in a box hidden beneath her bed. “They can deal with it!” she announced. And calmly proceeded to place her next order with us. We couldn’t agree with her more (but we also recommended a donation place that would appreciate her talents!)

Basketweave Bomber: Ready to zen? Ready to find your flow? The Basketweave Bomber stitcher is one that knows many other stitches exist, knows that they could be quite grand on his/her piece, but also knows one important feature to needlepointing: it’s all about you and your happiness. When you basketweave, you can find a beautiful rhythm that allows your mind to wander while staying perfectly present. Stitch for hours or for just a few moments as a Basketweave Bomber and you’ll walk away a calmer, more relaxed soul - at least for a few minutes of your day!

New Book Tester: Just bought the latest book of decorative stitches? You know what comes next! Trying every new stitch in the book – literally! These stitchers have an enthusiastic zest for new stitches, testing to see which stitches look best in specific zones and aren’t deterred by the possibility of ripping out decorative stitches that won’t work. Stuck in a small space? Have a huge background area? Need the right stitch for a specific spot? Find one of these stitchers to help you through it!
Stitch Guide Sage: This stitcher is one who knows what she or he wants – someone else to do the work for them! Stitch Guide Sage stitchers are those who love the piece, but love that another stitcher has solved all the troublesome questions of “which stitch goes here?” and “which thread looks best?”. With this group, they are guaranteed a happy ending, and they stitch confidently knowing they will love the finished look AND will learn a number of new stitches/thread choices along the way!
Heirloom Queen: While some stitchers love the flow of the stitch, others have a deadline (real or imaginary) in their heads the whole time. For these stitchers, the act of stitching is wonderful but the act of Finishing is what motivates them to complete each piece they start. From stockings to personalized ornaments, special gifts for family or friends or that spot-on perfect piece for their own living room, these stitchers have a goal for their pieces from the very beginning and don’t let anything stand in the way!

Mental Health Maintenance: There is a needlepoint saying that reads “I stab a canvas a thousand times so I don’t stab people.” For some, needlepointing saves lives! When you have “had a day”, these stitchers know exactly how to calm down, restore their minds and relax: grab a needlepoint project. Frequently, this type of stitcher will have multiple projects running at one time – one “simple” Basketweave piece and one “challenging” piece with decorative threads and stitches. Depending on their day, they can grab the needlepoint piece of their choice to relax and escape!

The Giver: For some stitchers, the act of giving is the motivation for stitching. It can be seen in stitchers who initially begin to stitch by making keychains for their family or friend group. They move on to belts for their boy/girlfriend or best friends. Next is a monogrammed pillow for a family member’s new home or a stocking for a child. These stitchers often have fewer stitched pieces in their own homes and more pieces “out in the world” given as gifts. And we welcome the Givers with open arms!