Needlepoint is worked on a square grid so one of the trickier things to stitch is a perfectly round circle.

To make this easier we've put together a few tips for how to stitch circular objects...
1. Mount your canvas onto stretcher bars.
Having a taut canvas to work on will ensure your stitch tension is even and you can create as close to a geometrically perfect circle as possible.
2. Avoid tent stitches.
Tent stitches are not so great at forming perfectly round circles. But, you can build a repertoire of decorative stitches which do this job much better.
Two stitches that we like for stitching round objects in needlepoint are:
The Circle Rhodes Stitch
This is such a versatile stitch because you can make a Rhodes stitch almost any size. It's layered, with all the threads crossing in the center where it creates a slightly domed effect - a nice way to add texture and dimension to your canvas.

Here's how you create a Circle Rhodes over 7 intersections...
Straight Stitches
Another method we like for creating circles is a really simple one - use straight stitches and compensate them as needed to create curves. Here's what this looks like using the Parisian stitch.

3. Consider using beads.
Beads fit into almost any shape, large and small, so they're a great way to create circles.
If you don't yet know how to bead, consider buying our online class, Just Bead It. You will learn several beginner and more advanced beading techniques - all done at home at your own pace by following Jinny Barney's expert teaching and videos.
For more techniques on how to stitch round objects in needlepoint, we have a couple of great needlepoint kits and stitch guides (with free online classes included) that cover a lot of circular ground!
In this Reindeer Faces bundle you get two ornaments to stitch and more than 10 stitches and techniques for circles that you can use on this and other projects.
The Candy Tree has more stitches for round objects, and also beading and knots. So much fun stuff to learn!
We hope this has given you some techniques and resources for different ways you can stitch round objects on your needlepoint canvas. Share this with your friends and let us know what else you would like to learn about - at we're with you every stitch of the way.