Using metallic threads on your needlepoint canvas is a great way to add character to a design.
Here are our favorite tips to make working with metallics fun and easy:
- Work with shorter thread lengths - around 10” is good. Metallics are made of synthetic fibers so they have a tendency to fray as you pull them through the canvas. If you use shorter strands there will be less pulling, less fraying, and more thread to stitch with. Who doesn't love that!
- Some metallic threads - like Neon Rays, Neon Rays Plus and Fyre Werks - are considered flat threads, or ribbons. Use a laying tool when working with these to ensure they lie flat on the canvas. Your stitches will then look smooth and even.
- Cut metallics with their own pair of scissors. Over time, metallics will dull your embroidery scissors, so it is good to cut them with a different pair of scissors from that used for silks and cotton.
But, the best tip of all is... don't be afraid to use metallics! They add texture, sparkle and "life" to your design. We love them for open stitches in large spaces, or for adding "bling" to small areas. Metallics have a reflective quality and are a great way to add life to eyes or to make snow glisten. Play around and have fun with them!
A great way to try out metallics is with one of our Travel Round designs. Pick your favorite travel destination and order the thread pack that goes with it. The pack will include at least one metallic thread, plus a stitch guide to help you bring it all together.
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