A perfect stitching weekend unfolded at the Needlepoint.Com retreat
in Charleston and attendees are not holding back with their accolades.
“What a perfect stitching weekend!”
“It was an extraordinary retreat without one single hiccup!”
“Everyone was incredibly helpful.”
“Please do it again soon!”
It took almost a year to plan, but the people who brought it to life were the 140 stitchers whose energy and enthusiasm spread from class to class and kept the party going through evening wine and cheese gatherings. 
Everyone found ways to perfect their stitching. Breakthroughs happened during pop up demonstrations on beading, embellishing and self-finishing. One class erupted in applause as a stitcher announced, “Look what I did! My bead is perfect!” There was no competition, only camaraderie and complete support for one another.
The social stitching scene that seated 60 brought a new dimension to the fun.
Designers Anne Fisher, Rachel Donley and Don Lynch also painted personalized canvases, offered their stitching suggestions and showed off finishing ideas.
No stitching weekend would be complete without shopping! That was a highlight too. There were six trunk shows and the Needlepoint.Com-Charleston shop stayed open for extended hours so everyone had the opportunity to add to their stash.
If you’re intrigued by the chance to attend a Needlepoint.Com event in the future, please subscribe to our emails and text messages so you will be first to know what we are planning next. And shop our complete selection of retreat kits and classes now!