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How To Stitch Needlepoint To Finish Into An Ornament

How To Stitch Needlepoint To Finish Into An Ornament

When stitching a needlepoint canvas to finish as an ornament here are a few things you should know.

1. Ornaments With Smooth Edges

If your ornament has regular, smooth edges (a round, a square or a rectangle) stitch an extra row of background all the way around. The finisher will take one row of the stitching when neatening the edges, so stitch one row beyond what you want to see on your finished ornament.

Stitch this extra row in tent stitch, even if you have used decorative stitches on the background. As with this super-cute flamingo ornament, below, you won't see the tent stitched row as it is concealed in the finishing.


Stitch 1 extra row of tent stitch all the way around if you don't want to lose any of the design. This will become hidden in the finishing.


2. Irregular Shaped Ornaments

If your ornament design has nooks and crannies you need to smooth these out. Some canvases come with an outline already drawn on the canvas to help you with this.


Smooth out your ornament edges by tent stitching 3-6 rows around the outside, or stitching up to the outline if there is one drawn on the canvas.


If this outline isn't there, simply stitch 3-6 rows all the way around.

Stitch these extra rows using a tent stitch and any color you like. Keep in mind these rows will not be hidden in the finishing and will become part of the design.


Your beautiful ornament is now ready to hang!


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